
Friday 18 November 2016


About Martin

Since the death of Martin in December 1999 we have felt compelled to do what ever we can as a family to prevent others from having to experience this horrific disease. Sadly for us Martin, at fourteen, was statistically deemed too young to be most at risk. 

He would have received the Meningitis C vaccine the following year in 2000. Now 3 years on, everyone less than 24 years of age should have been vaccinated against Meningitis C. 

Meningitis B virus, on the other hand, still has no effective vaccine and accounts for 60% of all Meningitis cases across all age groups in the U.K. but especially children under five. 

This is why we believe it is important to carry on the fight against this vicious disease. On the 30th April this year we proudly attended along with many others the official opening of the Spencer Dayman Meningitis Laboratories in Bristol. We were able to tour the completed Laboratories and see for ourselves the transformation that has taken place since we last visited 2 years ago. 

We were shown the 2 pieces of equipment carrying Martin's name that with your help we were able to buy for the unit. It was a very emotional pilgrimage for us.


The fund, web site and all of its work are dedicated to the life and memory of

Martin Luke Finch

The Martin Finch Meningitis Fund was formalised in March 2001 although its work began in June 2000. 

The funds aims are to help raise awareness about Meningitis, to raise funds for Meningitis Research and promote goodwill, fun and enjoyment whilst doing so. 

We offer support and understanding to other families who have also suffered at the hands of this dreadful disease and we hope the information on this website will be of some benefit. 

Please take the time to look through our website to find out a bit more about what MFMF is all about.